Why Use the Flexible Curve?
Physical therapy interventions for treatment of impaired spinal posture need to be determined through the use of evidence-based evaluation procedures.
Utilization of the flexible curve procedure is an efficient and cost effective method for obtaining valid and reproducible objective measurements of individuals with kypholordosis.
Appropriate patients
Any patient for whom an abnormal kypholordosis is identified as a problem during examination is an appropriate patient for a flexible curve measurement. Impairment examples include osteoporotic kyphosis, impaired spinal posture due to arthritis or injury, discogenically impaired posture, and abnormal postures secondary to Parkinson’s Disease, spinal stenosis and many other disorders.
Teaching Disk
The Kypholorodosis Measurement Using a Flexible Curve Technique CD teaching disk was produced by APTA Geriaatrics, An Academy of the American Physical Therapy Association, Bone Health Special Interest Group. The rationale, measurement process, and 4 different patient examples of kypholordosis measurement using the flexible curve are presented in a teaching disc titled:& To purchase it, contact the APTA Geriatrics executive director at 866/586-8247, email geriatrics@geriatricspt.org or go to: https://geriatricspt.org/
This disk was authored by Carleen Lindsey, PT, MS, GCS, a BHSIG member who has been utilizing the flexible curve for patient spinal posture assessment since 1978. She has been teaching the technique to therapists for several decades, and has found it takes about 2 hours in the classroom to adequately teach the procedure to therapists. This disk has been created in hopes that therapists can learn the technique as an alternative to learning the technique in a continuing education course. By demonstrating the procedure on four different patients, with four different types of kypholordosis, the fundamentals of the flexible curve measurement technique can be learned.
Flexible Curve Purchasing Information:
This tool can be found in some office, home improvement, quilting, or art supply stores, but it is crucial to use the following selection criteria:
BE SURE TO GET THIS TYPE: 24 inch “square” (non-graduated, non-calibrated):

NOT THIS TYPE: “flat”, graduated and calibrated. There is a very long NON adjustable portion at either end. Also it does not hold its shape well when it is picked up and moved from body to paper.

To schedule Carleen Lindsey, PT, MScAH, GCS, CEEAA for a workshop or seminar please CLICK HERE