Individualized Posture and Exercise Design for Whole Body Wellness – Including Soft Tissue Techniques as necessary
Wellness physical therapy empowers the body-owner to achieve and embrace mechanical well-being. The joy of simple physical movement in every day life and exercise is often elusive. Carleen’s interventions go beyond “treatment” and instead teach the individual whole body health and movement tailored to personal goals. When “knots” or old movement patterns have created painful trigger points or myofascial binding, she incorporates gentle but powerful treatments such as myofacial release, cranio-sacral balancing, trigger point release, and muscle energy treatments among others. Her areas of special training and practice include:
- Osteoporosis prevention and treatment
- Spinal dysfunctions (sprain, spasm, kyphosis, scoliosis, disc, etc)
- Shoulder mechanical disorders
- Strength training
- Athletic injury
- Women’s health
- Incontinence
- Balance enhancement
- Vestibular dysfunction
- Gait disorders
- Temporo-mandibular dysfunctions
- Foot disorders and orthotic design
To make a physical therapy appointment with Carleen,
please call Bristol Physical Therapy, LLC at 860-589-0444